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Using proteomics to understand infectious disease response in aquaculture

By Robert Stewart, PhD candidate at the Roslin Institute

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Automatic vaccination in tilapia farming: a new era is coming

By Carlos AG Leal, Professor of Immunology and Fish Health, Veterinary School, Federal University of Minas Gerais-UFMG, Brazil

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Stomach-resistant oral vaccines could offer fish farmers easier vaccine administration

Oral vaccines hold a great deal of promise for fish farmers. Easier and quicker to administer than injected vaccines, they are also potentially suitable for fish that are too small for injection vaccination, including larval stages.

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Managing health issues in the fast-changing aquaculture industry

An interview with Stian Johnsen, project manager for the World Organization for Animal Health 

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Combining technology and knowledge to improve aquaculture in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is one of the world’s fastest-growing regions for aquaculture, but production efficiency, environmental impact and disease remain bottlenecks for sustainable production.

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Molecular testing sheds new light on troublesome microorganism which threatens fish

A new molecular approach has revealed the ubiquitous and opportunistic nature of Saprolegnia parasitica, a fungal-like microorganism that can cause significant disease and economic loss.

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Harnessing genetics to improve tilapia health and performance

An interview with Alejandro Tola-Alvarez, CEO, GenoMar Genetics

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The future of sea louse control on salmon farms: do genetic technologies hold the key?

Genetic technologies could give salmon farmers the crucial tools they need to prevent sea louse infestations, according to researchers.

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The importance of benthic monitoring for aquaculture sustainability

An interview with Kate McEwen, head of environmental services at PHARMAQ Analytiq

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Visual indicators fall short in assessing anesthetic effect on fish

Visual observation is inadequate to assess whether anesthetics have rendered fish unconscious, leading to potential welfare risks, according to research in Sweden.